How did you pick your Vox name? Does it mean something?
Submitted by LeendaDLL.
I'm trying to get the estate of the author of Rascal to sue me for defamation of character. Honestly, I really don't remember how I chose this name, except that this was a misspelling of the username I wanted for my Rocketmail account (now part of Yahoo, but still with the ancient address). "Sterling" was taken, so I tacked on a random adjective to the end, and thus I unwittingly usurped the name of popular children's book author. Interestingly enough, I learned later that a child of his lived in nearby (to me) Arlington, Virginia back in 2002 he was arguing that the state's tax code was unfairly favoring him at the expense of the less well off. I'd search for the article mentioning him, but I pretty much destroyed Google through my continued use of this alias for myself.
Anyway, to the family of Sterling North, and fans of his work. I apologize.