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Posted at 12:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Whomever started the Tumblr blog "Things John Gruber is Wrong About" got bored with it early on. After only about two weeks, it was abandoned. Otherwise JG would get a mention for this comment:
The existence of a front-facing camera may fair be considered a “catch up” feature on iPhone 4. But the ability to use the front-facing camera to actually make video calls is first on the iPhone.
Posted at 04:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This is as good a reason as any. Just looking through the ads, or even the photos for its catalog, you can't escape the suspicion that Dov Charney, the CEO, is a pervert. He can be as slimy as he wants, but running his stores as though they were a beauty pageant/harem makes him a bigger douche than the A&F CEO.
[A source told Gawker] that American Apparel has a new hiring policy. For the past several months, they say, job applicants at AA have had their photos taken. . . where they are "approved" by a nameless person for hiring. The applicant's resumé is a distant second when it comes to hiring decisions, our source says.
Our source also tells us that a new policy now says that in order for current AA employees to be approved for a promotion or raise, they must also have their photos approved. As they put it, "Your looks determine your position and pay rate, not how effective you are at your job."
Posted at 03:50 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Gizmodo recently republished an interesting piece from the website "You Are Not So Smart: A Celebration of Self Delusion" about how easy it is to become a fanboy for a product, the merits notwithstanding. The executive summary:
The Misconception: You prefer the things we own over the things we don’t because we made rational choices when we bought them.
The Truth: You prefer the things you own because you rationalize your past choices to protect your sense of self.
If for some reason you read this page regularly and follow me on Twitter, or even decide to now read the past several posts, you'll notice I've been ragging on Apple partisans recently. This explains a good deal of my pushback against that. Read many of the people I've linked to for a while and you begin to see them engaging in arguments that are not much more than boosterism, ego massage, sour grapes rationalizing and so on.
Posted at 02:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 02:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)