Maybe I don't follow tech new obsessively enough, but I suspect that I'm not the only person who missed this. Essentially, Say Media -- the company that VideoEgg became after it "merged" with Six Apart -- is selling off parts of Six Apart piecemeal. Ironic that at the headlined press release immedately before its goodbye to Say Media is "Say: Hello". Dramatic irony now we know that the stay wouldn't be long.
Yeah, the company that helped to make "blogging" "mainstream" is pretty much dead as the tech world moves on from "blogging".
Though I would argue that the hype balloon and the popping of same came from a fundimental misunderstanding: People mistaking a new device for a new medium. A blog is nothing but a piece of software -- a simplified content management system. It was not a new medium.
(I did find it interesting that Movable Type development had been "outsourced" to Japan for several years already. The band had been drifting apart for far longer than I realized.)
[Alternate title: "Six Apart Take Apart"]