★ July 7, 2011
“We build products that we use too, and we just don’t want ads.” I remember thinking, yeah, that’s an obvious shot at Google, but Jobs really sounded like he meant it. He really doesn’t want ads next to his email.
But I also remember thinking that it didn’t sound like the sort of sentiment you’d expect to hear from the CEO of a company running a would-be major mobile ad network.
You know what I find curious. I find it curious that ✪ didn't comment on this sentiment in the iAds section of his his long commentary/analysis of iOS 4.0, or in any of his other posts where he alternates between bullishness on its prospects and defensiveness. Lots of defensiveness. You know, there were a lot of people then wondering why Apple would enter an industry where it had absolutely no experience whatsoever, people who ✪ either brushed off or shouted down. But if he was having doubts about this venture, he sure never let on.
For those who only read ✪, this is not the first time Apple has lowered prices to try to revive interest in iAds. Guess the first go down never caught his eye.