Some weeks ago, Apple released the iPhone 5 and iOS6 to wide-acclaim. Well, except for the Maps applications. Well, I was following reaction, reporting, analysis and opinionizing on the iOS Maps saga, with the intent on writing something. But as posting about Maps now isn’t very timely, I pretty much scrapped that post. However, one particular blogger does merit mention.
OK, a summary. Apple previewed iOS6 and Apple Maps at the WWDC earlier in the summer. People found it to be less than complete, but hoped it would improve; it was an unreleased beta, of course. Unfortunately, the developers saw it was atrocious and it was not improving as release time closed in. Still, the iPhone 5 and iOS6 is released to largely rave reviews. Curiously, many initial reviews do not mention Maps problems. However, these problems prove viral, even inspiring a Tumblr blog. But then, the defenders came out.
A few argued that “well, it worked for me.” Most defended not Maps but Apple’s corporate strategy. Some are consoling us with promises that “Maps has to get better, right?”. But no one is arguing that Apple’s Maps, even as it is now, is better than Google’s.
“Kontra” at CounterNotions:
Q: You’re exaggerating. Google Maps has the best user experience of any company in this business, does it not?
A: Yes it does, if you walk on water, like Google does from Alicante to Valencia in Spain:
Q: C’mon that must be old data.A: Well, the map says it’s current:
Q: Maybe Google just didn’t get to it yet. Google Maps is in beta anyhow.A: Yes, it must be:
Well, um, wow. And, well, I guess he has a point. If you’re not the Messiah or The Flash or Aquaman you may have trouble making that trek… wait a second, are those dots cities? What’s the scale of that map? Let’s me try to enter that plan.
One hundred sixty kilometers? That’s about one hundred miles! Kontra is actually presenting a 100-mile walking trip as an example to demonstrate Google’s failing. OK, but what of this route where Google suggested you take a detour across the Balearic Sea? That’s the first one (and notice Kontra neglects to mention Google suggested more than one route) and… wait a moment. It’s far longer in distance, but it says it takes less time. What is going on there?
IT’S A FERRY! It’s not “walk on water”, it’s “take a boat and save six hours on a ridiculous trip”. Or as also visible in the last picture, Google suggests you take public transit!
Well, I confronted Kontra on Twitter over this and had a back and forth which lead to him eventually blocking me. It’s probably because I called him a liar. When someone goes out of his way to crop out all exculpatory information, I don’t think questioning his integrity is unwarranted.
Well, this was all two weeks ago. I wouldn’t have even brought this except Kontra recently tweeted this:
More hilarity. Google Maps directions from NY to Paris (19,168 mi, 519 hrs) via @theromit
— Kontra (@counternotions) October 11, 2012
Maybe I was too hasty. Maybe Kontra isn’t a liar. Maybe he just doesn’t realize that if you ask Google for “implausible” directions, it will give you humorous results that are coded in. Maybe he isn’t trolling, but is just stupid.