Adobe is…
…obviously never going to get that correction from John Gruber. Though they probably never asked for one. In fact, it’s doubtful Adobe ever noticed that post where Gruber misreads their press release, and criticizes the company from that misreading.
But I do find it weird how Gruber is praising Apple for mission statements whose only difference from Adobe’s investment statements are the replacement of conditional words with triumphalist hyperbole.
The biggest change, no surprise, is from biz-dev bullshit to plain English, four days before Steve Jobs became CEO in September 1997.
So, once again, Gruber confuses hyperbole with “plain English.” The only reason the statements collected by Alexandre Gollner aren’t bullshit is that none of them are outright dishonest. That includes the pre-September 1997 statements Gruber didn’t like. Those old statements told you far more about what Apple does than today’s puffery. Now everybody knows what Apple does, so they don’t need to say so on its PR. But neither the pre-Jobs statements nor the modern statements are what I would call bullshit.